One of the quintessential analytics questions every business has pertains to engagement.
How many users went to my web app this week? What percent of users visited in the last hour? Can I expect this rate to increase or decrease?
Using a predictive analytics platform, like ClearBrain, makes it incredibly easy to monitor the engagement patterns on your web or mobile app, as well as forecast how they may change in the future.
Measuring Engagement
When you load up the ClearBrain dashboard, your metrics for engagement immediately load up.

At the top you’ll see an overview of your most important engagement metrics.
On the left of the Overview section you’ll see Audience Size. This says we have a total of 1,445 users who have ever visited your app. Below it is a graph of how this user count has grown over time.
In the middle of the Overview is the Conversions summary. Here is a count of the number of users who have engaged, currently numbering 14 users, in the current week. Also included is that this represents 0.97% of all your users who have engaged this week.
But let’s dive a little deeper. We don’t just want to know how many users engaged this week. We want to know how this engagement trend has changed over time.
Scrolling down on the ClearBrain dashboard, we’ll see engagement patterns by different time periods.

There are two graphs.
On the left is the Count of Users that engaged every day, for the last 6 days. On the right is the Percent of Users that engaged every day. We can see that our engagement trend is dropping every day. It used to be close to 5%, but not its dropping close to 1%. Bummer. :(
But let’s get a little more granular. Let’s try to look at this by hour. At the top right of this section, we can toggle between week vs day vs hour.

Drilling down to the hour, we see that engagement is actually roughly flat. But in the last hour, it dropped to 0. So it seems the drop in engagement from yesterday to today, all occurred in the past hour.
Forecasting Engagement
So it seems overall engagement is dropping on our app. But is this trend going to continue?
ClearBrain is unique as an analytics platform in that it doesn’t just look back, it can look forward.

After the ClearBrain platform has collected 2 weeks of historical data, it can start forecasting engagement. It looks at historical engagement patterns, to predict each individual user’s likelihood to return to your app.
At the top of the Overview section, you’ll notice a new section Conversion Forecast. This indicates the count of users that are predicted to engage in the next 7 days. As well as the percent of users or conversion rate we expect this to represent.
So we can see that even though only 14 people have engaged so far this week, we expect 49 to actually engage over the next week. And eventhough the engagement rate was dropping to near 1%, the forecast is indicating it will rise to a 6% rate in the coming week. Things are actually looking up!
Holistically, ClearBrain’s app enables you to both measure your engagement trends in seconds, as well as forecast how those trends may continue or change in the future.